Inventors of -The Rothinator Tax Free Retirement Plan

One Wealth Map

When life is short - don't under-live your potential.

Break-Away from the traditional fragmented, risky and uncoordinated world of financial advisors

For Individuals and Businesses That Value Growth and The Protection of Their Wealth

  • Strive To Reduce Your Risk

  • Give Your More Free Time With Less Stress

  • Increase Your Lifestyle and Experiences

  • Bring all financial duties under one roof

  • Allow you to have a team of people all reviewing each others work

  • Use AI for automation, research and auto tracking but a human for interaction

  • Create a faster Done-For-You Solution in under 20 days

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Medical Professionals

A Done-For-You Total Solution

When your career demands more time, more stress and more risk than most other professionals - it's time to find a solution that reduces your risk and frees up your time.

When You Have A Successful Business

A Done-For-You Total Solution

When you have built a successful and profitable business your risk increases, your time decreases. Now, a totally different way to consolidate all your finances into one single solution.

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The Wealth Trap

When you accumulate enough - the problems and risks change

As you are growing your wealth - you face problems such as taxes and high expenses.

As your wealth accumulates, your problems change to taxes, lawsuits and maintaining growth

What you have done to get where you are will not get you the life you want tomorrow

Those advisors that helped you get to where you are may not be the same advisors to get you to the next level.

It may be time to upgrade your separated advisors into an advisory team

Life Is Like An Ultimate Dress Rehearsal

One Wealth Map aims to provide solutions that offer you more untethered free time for creating enhanced memories and experiences.

Life can be so much better if you learn how to live life to the fullest and don't under-live

Wealth Problems

Having more money does not eliminate your problems - it only changes them

  • You become a target for tax audits

  • Estate tax and tax target on retirement plans

  • Inheiritance plans derailed by inlaws

  • Target of lawsuits and fraud

  • Fragmented financial advice when advisors all work in different offices

  • The more assets you have the more you have to watch over and track all the moving parts

  • You have to coordinate all your advisors and make sure you are the expert

  • You are solicated by private equity and business investments that need to be researched and vetted

  • Access to private deal flows and investments

Why are so many people Under-Living?

  • When financial advisors, lawyers, CPAs and insurance agents all work alone, the risk for mistakes, fraud and even losing assets and income increases considerably.

  • The financial institutions, with their armies of financial advisors and supposed financial planners want your assets. Their goal is to show you the least amount you can spend during your life. The less you spend, and the more you under-live, the more the institutions profit.

  • When you are the one that has to connect the lawyer, the financial advisor, the CPA and the insurance people you have to be the expert - but worse, this is time spent and lost and not enjoying life and making memories

We Have The Expertise and Experience To Show You A Different Way

  • $840 Million Under Advisement

  • Over 1500 Tax Return and Tax Planning Clients

  • Over 800 Trusts and LLC Asset Protection Devices Created

  • CPAs, EAs, Financial Planners, Lawyers, Insurance Experts and Business Growth Coaches all working together to develop One Wealth Map for you

Ken Himmler

Ken Himmler, One wealth map


After 40+ years helping people in addition to owning, selling and starting multiple businesses in multiple industries, Ken and his team have the experience and technical knowledge to potentially change your future.

Advisors that only work in one discipline usually cannot connect all the parts into one Map.

Ken has proven that an understanding in both finance and actually running multiple businesses is important to help people just like you

What Experience Does Your Financial Advisors Have?

  • Started one of the first home inspection companies in the 80s

  • Has owned and rehabbed over 70 real estate projects

  • Owned movie production studio

  • Owner of automotive accessory company

  • Owner of software development company in Fin-Tech

  • Owner of Online Financial Coaching Company

  • Author of four published books

  • Owned an expense reduction analysis franchise

  • Owner of two patents on office furniture and bedding

  • C0-Founder of one of the fastest growing Financial Firm - and one of the first of it's kind

  • Serving as trust protector for some of the wealthiest families and businesses

  • Sought after by National News and Publications for on camera interviews and expertise

  • Public Speaker for over twenty years with over 480 speaking events, over 100,000 people and 21 Key Note Speeches

Ken Himmler, One wealth map

As Seen On

Ken Himmler, One wealth map

Get The Total Retirement Freedom

Book Free

Live Rich Stay Wealthy - TOTAL RETIREMENT FREEDOM: Start Claiming Your Financial Freedom and Find out How the Super Wealthy Handle Their Money

The 6 Biggest Tax Mistakes Physicians Make Free

The Six Biggest Tax Mistakes That Physicians Make

Get On Waitlist to Get One Wealth Map Free

Live Rich Stay Wealthy - TOTAL RETIREMENT FREEDOM: Start Claiming Your Financial Freedom and Find out How the Super Wealthy Handle Their Money

Order For Women Only

Live Rich and Stay Wealthy for Women Only

A Short Video On What We Do

What we do - if you participate - can change your future

When was the last time your financial advisor, your CPA, Your Insurance Agent and Your Lawyer - all sat around one table, at one time to develop a plan for the betterment of your financial future

What Does A Mapping Session Look Like?

Its always intimidating getting to know someone but even worse if you don't know what a process looks like

Take a few minutes to see how this Mapping Session Looks. It's interactive and collaborative.

Follow The Progress of One Wealth Map

Step by step you can find a new path

Why Set Up One Wealth Map

Many people dedicate more time to organizing their yearly vacation than to mapping out their financial future. Discovering the significance of this planning process is crucial.

One Wealth Map, LLC is a SEC Registered Investment Advisor. For more information on our firm, please visit SEC.GOV for a full Form ADV II and the form CRS. Any discussion, text, video or communication on this site should not be considered a recommendation, projection, or assumption of any returns, risks, or future projections of any type of investment, process or plan. Any recommendation can only be made by one of our licensed advisors after consideration of acceptance as a client. No initial communications, without formal engagement should be considered a recommendation or suggestion. Aspire Tax and Accounting, LLC is a separate, Non-SEC Registered Advisor but is a commonly owned company practicing in tax and business advisory services. . Please visit our privacy policy and terms of service for this website. Please visit our Client Relationship Summary (ADV III) and our Firm Brochure (ADV II) This site is published for residents of the United States only. Investment Advisor Representatives of One Wealth Map, LLC may only conduct business with residents of the states and/or jurisdictions in which they are properly registered. Not all of the products and services referenced on this site may be available in every state and through every advisor listed.

Copyright 2025 | All Rights Reserved | One Wealth Map